Pilot details - AUTsmarted
portrait Corporation: University of Caille
Alliance: None
Kills: 3120
Real kills: 2691
Losses: 357
ISK destroyed: 1061.74B
ISK lost: 28.58B
Chance of enemy survival: 10.27%
Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 97.38%
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Mobile Small Warp Disruptor I
Mobile Warp Disruptor
Hemin (0.0)
I: 6 C: 0
Mobile Small Warp Disruptor I
Mobile Warp Disruptor
Doril (0.0)
I: 1 C: 0
Mobile Small Warp Disruptor I
Mobile Warp Disruptor
Utopia (0.0)
I: 1 C: 0
Mobile Small Warp Disruptor I
Mobile Warp Disruptor
Hemin (0.0)
I: 1 C: 0
Mobile Large Warp Disruptor II
Mobile Warp Disruptor
Goonswarm Federation
FWST-8 (0.0)
I: 686 C: 0
Mobile Small Warp Disruptor I
Mobile Warp Disruptor
Hell Dawn
Doril (0.0)
I: 15 C: 0
Mobile Medium Warp Disruptor I
Mobile Warp Disruptor
Goonswarm Federation
49-U6U (0.0)
I: 150 C: 0
Mobile Small Warp Disruptor I
Mobile Warp Disruptor
JPL-RA (0.0)
I: 11 C: 0
Mobile Medium Warp Disruptor I
Mobile Warp Disruptor
Goonswarm Federation
ZZ5X-M (0.0)
I: 14 C: 0
Mobile Medium Warp Disruptor I
Mobile Warp Disruptor
Goonswarm Federation
ZZ5X-M (0.0)
I: 12 C: 0
10 Most recent losses
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Mobile Small Warp Disruptor I
Mobile Warp Disruptor
RAZOR Alliance
Y-OMTZ (0.0)
I: 1 C: 0
Kill points
Loss points
Total points
Prime theme by Vecati