Pilot details - Ben McRock
portrait Corporation: Brutor Tribe
Alliance: None
Kills: 3413
Real kills: 3386
Losses: 48
ISK destroyed: 1453.37B
ISK lost: 3.36B
Chance of enemy survival: 1.39%
Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 99.77%
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Minmatar Control Tower Small
POS Small
E-Z2ZX (0.0)
I: 95 C: 0
Gallente Control Tower Small
POS Small
SpaceMonkey's Alliance
ROIR-Y (0.0)
I: 111 C: 0
Gallente Control Tower Small
POS Small
SpaceMonkey's Alliance
ROIR-Y (0.0)
I: 110 C: 0
Minmatar Control Tower Small
POS Small
TN-T7T (0.0)
I: 109 C: 0
Minmatar Control Tower Small
POS Small
TN-T7T (0.0)
I: 106 C: 0
Gallente Control Tower Small
POS Small
XZH-4X (0.0)
I: 105 C: 0
Caldari Control Tower Small
POS Small
Pandemic Horde
93PI-4 (0.0)
I: 56 C: 0
Minmatar Control Tower Small
POS Small
Black Legion.
6W-HRH (0.0)
I: 77 C: 0
Minmatar Control Tower Small
POS Small
Mordus Angels
JE-D5U (0.0)
I: 87 C: 0
Gallente Control Tower Small
POS Small
Out of Sight.
MC6-5J (0.0)
I: 68 C: 0
10 Most recent losses

No data.

Kill points
Loss points
Total points
Prime theme by Vecati