Pilot details - 49-U6U
portrait Corporation: The Maverick Navy
Alliance: None
Kills: 0
Real kills: 0
Losses: 27
ISK destroyed: 0B
ISK lost: 4.27B
Chance of enemy survival: 100%
Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 0%
10 Most recent kills

No data.

10 Most recent losses
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Ballistic Deflection Array
POS Module
49-U6U (0.0)
I: 6 C: 0
Photon Scattering Array
POS Module
49-U6U (0.0)
I: 4 C: 0
Ballistic Deflection Array
POS Module
49-U6U (0.0)
I: 4 C: 0
Loss points
Total points
Prime theme by Vecati