Pilot details - Sagalon
portrait Corporation: Decadence.
Alliance: RAZOR Alliance
Kills: 325
Real kills: 311
Losses: 40
ISK destroyed: 106.65B
ISK lost: 4.17B
Chance of enemy survival: 10.96%
Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 96.23%
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Mobile Depot
Deployable Structure
Goonswarm Federation
J-L9MA (0.0)
I: 3 C: 0
Mobile Depot
Deployable Structure
Goonswarm Federation
J-L9MA (0.0)
I: 3 C: 0
Mobile Depot
Deployable Structure
Goonswarm Federation
J-L9MA (0.0)
I: 3 C: 0
Mobile Tractor Unit
Deployable Structure
1-GBBP (0.0)
I: 7 C: 0
Caldari Encounter Surveillance System
Deployable Structure
Socket Closed.
FMH-OV (0.0)
I: 34 C: 0
Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor
Deployable Structure
Dead Heaven Syndicate
PEK-8Z (0.0)
I: 64 C: 0
Mobile Tractor Unit
Deployable Structure
Here Be Dragons
JRZ-B9 (0.0)
I: 12 C: 0
Mobile Tractor Unit
Deployable Structure
SLYCE Pirates
C7Y-7Z (0.0)
I: 16 C: 0
10 Most recent losses

No data.

Kill points
Loss points
Total points
Prime theme by Vecati