Pilot details - nasuul
portrait Corporation: Zebra Corp
Alliance: Goonswarm Federation
Kills: 315
Real kills: 307
Losses: 3
ISK destroyed: 65.44B
ISK lost: 0.04B
Chance of enemy survival: 0.94%
Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 99.94%
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Caldari Control Tower
POS Large
RAZOR Alliance
6ZJ-SC (0.0)
I: 38 C: 0
Caldari Control Tower
POS Large
Test Alliance Please Ignore
QY6-RK (0.0)
I: 176 C: 0
Amarr Control Tower
POS Large
Turing Tested
MJXW-P (0.0)
I: 224 C: 0
Amarr Control Tower
POS Large
Test Alliance Please Ignore
PS-94K (0.0)
I: 252 C: 0
Gallente Control Tower
POS Large
Insidious Empire
R5-MM8 (0.0)
I: 116 C: 0
Minmatar Control Tower
POS Large
The Retirement Club
6NJ8-V (0.0)
I: 285 C: 0
Minmatar Control Tower
POS Large
The Retirement Club
6NJ8-V (0.0)
I: 265 C: 0
10 Most recent losses

No data.

Kill points
Loss points
Total points
Prime theme by Vecati