Pilot details - DAUNGA
portrait Corporation: Sebiestor Tribe
Alliance: None
Kills: 82
Real kills: 80
Losses: 0
ISK destroyed: 44.48B
ISK lost: 0B
Chance of enemy survival: 0%
Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 100%
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Here Be Dragons
BKG-Q2 (0.0)
I: 15 C: 0
Warp Scrambling Battery
POS Module
RAZOR Alliance
Y-1918 (0.0)
I: 21 C: 0
Warp Scrambling Battery
POS Module
RAZOR Alliance
Y-1918 (0.0)
I: 18 C: 0
Territorial Claim Unit
Territory Modules
RAZOR Alliance
KMC-WI (0.0)
I: 46 C: 0
Infrastructure Hub
Infrastructure Modules
RAZOR Alliance
KMC-WI (0.0)
I: 47 C: 0
Territorial Claim Unit
Territory Modules
RAZOR Alliance
B8O-KJ (0.0)
I: 25 C: 0
Infrastructure Hub
Infrastructure Modules
RAZOR Alliance
B8O-KJ (0.0)
I: 25 C: 0
Territorial Claim Unit
Territory Modules
RAZOR Alliance
S-B7IT (0.0)
I: 12 C: 0
Infrastructure Hub
Infrastructure Modules
RAZOR Alliance
S-B7IT (0.0)
I: 13 C: 0
Territorial Claim Unit
Territory Modules
RAZOR Alliance
K-8SQS (0.0)
I: 47 C: 0
10 Most recent losses

No data.

Kill points
Prime theme by Vecati