Pilot details - Daisy Bloodworth
portrait Corporation: Center for Advanced Studies
Alliance: None
Kills: 337
Real kills: 283
Losses: 1
ISK destroyed: 1430.78B
ISK lost: 0.27B
Chance of enemy survival: 0.3%
Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 99.98%
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor
Deployable Structure
0VK-43 (0.0)
I: 20 C: 0
Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor
Deployable Structure
Holesale Operations
UAAU-C (0.0)
I: 73 C: 0
Mobile Tractor Unit
Deployable Structure
WUZ-WM (0.0)
I: 54 C: 0
Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor
Deployable Structure
Socket Closed.
UY5A-D (0.0)
I: 33 C: 0
Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor
Deployable Structure
H74-B0 (0.0)
I: 46 C: 0
Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor
Deployable Structure
Revolt of The Reggies
5-P1Y2 (0.0)
I: 43 C: 0
Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor
Deployable Structure
U-SOH2 (0.0)
I: 35 C: 0
Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor
Deployable Structure
Q-JQSG (0.0)
I: 34 C: 0
'Wetu' Mobile Depot
Deployable Structure
Initiative Mercenaries
H74-B0 (0.0)
I: 46 C: 0
Mobile Tractor Unit
Deployable Structure
Pandemic Horde
TDE4-H (0.0)
I: 17 C: 0
10 Most recent losses

No data.

Kill points
Loss points
Total points
Prime theme by Vecati