Kill details
victim Victim: fouralpha
Corp: Pilots Of Honour
Alliance: Axiom Empire
Involved parties: 4
Battle Tested
The Arrow Project
Morsus Mihi
Muninn (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
720mm Howitzer Artillery II
Damage done:1010 (76.34%)
Morsus Mihi
Harbinger (Battlecruiser)
Focused Medium Beam Laser II
Damage done:162 (12.24%)
Mr Mordan
The Arrow Project
Morsus Mihi
Sabre (Interdictor)
200mm AutoCannon II
Damage done:151 (11.41%)
Morsus Mihi
Rapier (Recon Ship)
XR-3200 Heavy Missile Bay
Damage done:0 (0.00%)

500 Letters left
Manually posted on 2008-08-10 07:31:52
Ship: Claw (Interceptor)
Location: M-OEE8 (0.0)
Date: 2008-08-09 04:35:00
200mm AutoCannon II
200mm AutoCannon II
200mm AutoCannon II
Small Remote Armor Repairer I
5MN Microwarpdrive II
Warp Disruptor II
Gyrostabilizer II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Overdrive Injector System II
Overdrive Injector System II
Kill not verified
Ship details
High Slot High Slot Current Value
200mm AutoCannon II 200mm AutoCannon II 2 1.53 M
Barrage S Barrage S 120 7.08 K
Small Remote Armor Repairer I Small Remote Armor Repairer I 1 13.12 K
200mm AutoCannon II 200mm AutoCannon II 1 767.42 K
Barrage S Barrage S 60 3.54 K
Medium Slot Medium Slot Current Value
5MN Microwarpdrive II 5MN Microwarpdrive II 1 4.53 M
Warp Disruptor II Warp Disruptor II 1 1.54 M
Low Slot Low Slot Current Value
Nanofiber Internal Structure II Nanofiber Internal Structure II 1 285.75 K
Overdrive Injector System II Overdrive Injector System II 2 1.17 M
Gyrostabilizer II Gyrostabilizer II 1 1.23 M
Cargo Cargo Current Value
EMP S EMP S 2500 82.50 K
Barrage S Barrage S 2222 131.10 K
Hail M Hail M 1000 223.00 K
Barrage S Barrage S 8 472.00 ISK
Total Module Loss:
Total Module Drop:
Ship Loss:
Total Loss at current prices: 21,176,938.00
Prime theme by Vecati