Corporation details - Red's Swashbucklers Corp [RSSCP]
Alliance: Red Alliance CEO: The Aries
Kills: 8572 HQ:
Losses: 1030 Members: 33
ISK destroyed: 4,135.85B Shares: 1000000
ISK lost: 102.32B Tax Rate: 0%
Efficiency: 97.59% Website:
u'\u0427\u0442\u043e \u0437\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u044b? \u041b\u0438\u0448\u044c \u043f\u044b\u043b\u044c. \u0427\u0442\u043e \u0441\u043b\u0430\u0432\u0430? \u041b\u0438\u0448\u044c \u043f\u0435\u043f\u0435\u043b.
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Ship class K L
Assault Frigate 157 9
Battlecruiser 625 167
Battleship 1231 215
Black Ops 1 0
Cap. Industrial 20 0
Capsule 535 180
Carrier 103 9
Citadel 46 0
Command Destroyer 102 0
Command Ship 166 14
Covert Ops 210 25
Cruiser 689 13
Custom Office 0 0
Deployable Structure 43 0
Destroyer 217 1
Dreadnought 265 1
Drone 0 0
Electronic Attack Ship 19 0
Ship class K L
Engineering Complex 42 0
Exhumer 7 0
Fighter 358 2
Flag Cruiser 19 0
Force Auxiliary 51 0
Forward Operating Base 0 0
Freighter 7 0
Frigate 168 19
Heavy Assault Cruiser 1218 43
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser 71 7
Industrial 18 7
Industrial Command Ship 2 0
Infrastructure Modules 11 0
Interceptor 175 58
Interdictor 330 31
Jump Freighter 0 0
Logistics Cruiser 628 47
Logistics Frigate 45 0
Ship class K L
Marauder 4 1
Mining Barge 9 0
Mobile Warp Disruptor 169 0
POS Large 17 8
POS Medium 4 0
POS Module 135 122
POS Small 1 1
Prototype Exploration Ship 0 0
Recon Ship 167 31
Refinery 6 0
Shuttle 18 2
Strategic Cruiser 275 4
Supercarrier 15 0
Tactical Destroyer 102 0
Territory Modules 37 9
Titan 17 0
Transport 3 1
8572 Ships killed (4135.85B ISK)
1030 Ships lost (102.32B ISK)
97.59% Efficiency (ISK)
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
J133358 (0.0)
I: 18 C: 0
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Pandemic Horde
GB-6X5 (0.0)
I: 47 C: 0
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Pandemic Legion
D-OJEZ (0.0)
I: 63 C: 0
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Northern Coalition.
I6-SYN (0.0)
I: 32 C: 0
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Northern Coalition.
I6-SYN (0.0)
I: 157 C: 0
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Socket Closed.
S1-XTL (0.0)
I: 105 C: 0
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Initiative Mercenaries
0-VG7A (0.0)
I: 40 C: 0
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Pandemic Horde
J-ZYSZ (0.0)
I: 25 C: 0
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Pandemic Horde
J-ZYSZ (0.0)
I: 19 C: 0
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Pandemic Horde
J-ZYSZ (0.0)
I: 17 C: 0
10 Most recent losses
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Legion of xXDEATHXx
T-RPFU (0.0)
I: 20 C: 0
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Legion of xXDEATHXx
O2O-2X (0.0)
I: 159 C: 0
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Legion of xXDEATHXx
O2O-2X (0.0)
I: 117 C: 0
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Legion of xXDEATHXx
WNM-V0 (0.0)
I: 54 C: 0
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Legion of xXDEATHXx
UJXC-B (0.0)
I: 61 C: 0
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Legion of xXDEATHXx
N-RAEL (0.0)
I: 67 C: 0
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Legion of xXDEATHXx
15W-GC (0.0)
I: 54 C: 0
Prime theme by Vecati