Corporation details - Setenta Corp [STC]
Alliance: Scumlords CEO: MIKE Commander
Kills: 4140 HQ:
Losses: 122 Members: 47
ISK destroyed: 1,945.56B Shares: 250000
ISK lost: 7.08B Tax Rate: 7.0000000298023%
Efficiency: 99.64% Website:
u'Setenta Corp is one of the oldest corporations in New Eden, being formed just days after the Eve cluster was opened to capsuleers. We have been involved in many of the great wars that have shaped Eve\u2019s history, both in an industrial and combat capacity. In recent years, Setenta has returned to its roots as a research corporation building weapons of war for discriminating customers.

Public Channel:
Recruitment: Invite only
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Tactical Destroyer
Test Alliance Please Ignore
XHQ-7V (0.0)
I: 12 C: 0
10 Most recent losses

No data.

Prime theme by Vecati