Corporation details - Sairento Senshi [SAIRE]
Alliance: None CEO: Iguna Kilu
Kills: 53 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 6
ISK destroyed: 177.68B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 0%
Efficiency: 100.00% Website: http://
u'/// Loading data exchange construct... Done
/// Initiating public level connection... Consented
/// Directional neural link online...
/// Establishing communication interfaces... Done
/// Receiving downlink \'CDD\'... 100%

Greetings \u6226\u58eb

Primarily founded for tax related reasons, presently employing expertise in diverse directions.
In close cooperation with agents of
Servant Sisters of EVE, the Gallente Federation and other empire corporations.
Highly proficient in anti-piracy security ventures and covert operations.

Performing services:
- armed, logistical & financial support and consultation in security matters of all sort
- security connections and agent mediation
- free outsourcing of salvage sites for recycling purpose
- sponsoring & investments in promising subjects
- empire-wide location services
- private investigations and informational warfare
- high-value courier contracts
- countermeasures to kamikaze assaults
- individual and group protection services

Iguna Kilu
Silently, the shimazu-senshi arose anew.

/// End of message \'CDD\'
/// Information exchange datastream closed by host.'
10 Most recent kills
10 Most recent losses

No data.

Prime theme by Vecati