Corporation details - Blueprint Haus [BLUEP]
Alliance: Blades of Grass CEO: Basil Vulpine
Kills: 17564 HQ:
Losses: 433 Members: 149
ISK destroyed: 7,604.02B Shares: 12000
ISK lost: 54.22B Tax Rate: 15.000000596046%
Efficiency: 99.29% Website:
Blueprint Haus.

We do a little bit of everything. Everybody works, everybody fights.

Players aged 24 years and over are welcome to apply

If you are interested in joining us, please join our recruiting channel (
BlueP Recruitment ) and speak to one of our recruiters BEFORE submitting an application.
Ship class K L
Assault Frigate 210 18
Battlecruiser 1815 29
Battleship 1998 28
Black Ops 0 0
Cap. Industrial 0 0
Capsule 591 99
Carrier 289 0
Citadel 17 2
Command Destroyer 13 2
Command Ship 127 7
Covert Ops 302 8
Cruiser 823 32
Custom Office 6 0
Deployable Structure 26 3
Destroyer 370 13
Dreadnought 175 2
Drone 0 0
Electronic Attack Ship 24 2
Ship class K L
Engineering Complex 8 0
Exhumer 3 1
Fighter 117 16
Flag Cruiser 1 0
Force Auxiliary 6 2
Forward Operating Base 0 0
Freighter 31 1
Frigate 231 37
Heavy Assault Cruiser 989 18
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser 206 1
Industrial 22 10
Industrial Command Ship 4 0
Infrastructure Modules 151 0
Interceptor 304 13
Interdictor 387 15
Jump Freighter 6 0
Logistics Cruiser 789 36
Logistics Frigate 9 2
Ship class K L
Marauder 5 0
Mining Barge 6 4
Mobile Warp Disruptor 18 4
POS Large 295 0
POS Medium 44 0
POS Module 5221 0
POS Small 81 0
Prototype Exploration Ship 1 0
Recon Ship 272 6
Refinery 7 0
Shuttle 27 0
Strategic Cruiser 637 6
Supercarrier 28 0
Tactical Destroyer 92 14
Territory Modules 698 0
Titan 44 0
Transport 7 0
17564 Ships killed (7604.02B ISK)
433 Ships lost (54.22B ISK)
99.29% Efficiency (ISK)
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Electronic Attack Ship
RAZOR Alliance
IAS-I5 (0.0)
I: 40 C: 0
Electronic Attack Ship
RAZOR Alliance
0-6VZ5 (0.0)
I: 8 C: 0
Electronic Attack Ship
RAZOR Alliance
XM-4L0 (0.0)
I: 6 C: 0
Electronic Attack Ship
Caladrius Alliance
D4KU-5 (0.0)
I: 17 C: 0
Electronic Attack Ship
WMH-SO (0.0)
I: 31 C: 0
Electronic Attack Ship
ZJA-6U (0.0)
I: 37 C: 0
Electronic Attack Ship
RvB - BLUE Republic
LBGI-2 (0.0)
I: 58 C: 0
Electronic Attack Ship
Pandemic Legion
LBGI-2 (0.0)
I: 33 C: 0
Electronic Attack Ship
Sorry We're In Your Space Eh
WY-9LL (0.0)
I: 12 C: 0
Electronic Attack Ship
Pandemic Legion
Hemin (0.0)
I: 35 C: 0
10 Most recent losses
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Electronic Attack Ship
Blades of Grass
T6GY-Y (0.0)
I: 31 C: 0
Electronic Attack Ship
Shadow of xXDEATHXx
B-7LYC (0.0)
I: 5 C: 0
Prime theme by Vecati