Corporation details - Pegasus Empire [PEGE]
Alliance: None CEO: Tote Enkoph
Kills: 5 HQ:
Losses: 2 Members: 2
ISK destroyed: 0.22B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.01B Tax Rate: 5.0000000745058%
Efficiency: 96.90% Website:
Hello pilots.
Look at your corp,
now back to this,
now back at your corp,
now back to this.
Sadly, this isn't your corp.
But if you stop being a poor bastard and switch to this corp you could be having fun like us.
Look down,
back up.
Where are you?
You're in space with the corp you always wanted.
What ship are you in?
Back at me.
I have it!
It's a freighter with the 2 ships you always wanted.
Look again,
The ships are now hot women.
Anything is possible when you join this corp.
I'm in a badger~

Join channel 'Pege pub'
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Recon Ship
RAZOR Alliance
7RM-N0 (0.0)
I: 65 C: 0
10 Most recent losses
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
War Ensemble.
7RM-N0 (0.0)
I: 10 C: 0
Prime theme by Vecati