Alliance Details - Domain Research and Mining Inst. [ART0N]
Kills: 576 Executor: Fornicating with Bears
Losses: 47 Members: 1170
ISK destroyed: 926.01B Start Date: 2015-02-05 17:03:26
ISK lost: 12.33B Number of Corps: 52
Efficiency: 98.69%
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Mobile Tractor Unit
Deployable Structure
Brothers of Tangra
GZM-KB (0.0)
I: 17 C: 0
Mobile Tractor Unit
Deployable Structure
Red Alliance
HIX4-H (0.0)
I: 51 C: 0
Mobile Tractor Unit
Deployable Structure
RAZOR Alliance
6BPS-T (0.0)
I: 18 C: 0
Mobile Tractor Unit
Deployable Structure
RAZOR Alliance
6BPS-T (0.0)
I: 19 C: 0
10 Most recent losses

No data.

Prime theme by Vecati