Alliance Details - The Bastion [BASTN]
Kills: 26214 Executor: Ancient Hittite Corporation
Losses: 662 Members: 1
ISK destroyed: 9588.62B Start Date: 2014-05-06 21:37:13
ISK lost: 202.54B Number of Corps: 1
Efficiency: 97.93%
Ship class K L
Assault Frigate 506 30
Battlecruiser 689 45
Battleship 993 12
Black Ops 3 0
Cap. Industrial 10 6
Capsule 1885 181
Carrier 220 10
Citadel 23 0
Command Destroyer 38 1
Command Ship 153 2
Covert Ops 571 17
Cruiser 2592 69
Custom Office 59 2
Deployable Structure 157 8
Destroyer 635 18
Dreadnought 261 19
Drone 0 25
Electronic Attack Ship 69 3
Ship class K L
Engineering Complex 3 0
Exhumer 11 4
Fighter 107 21
Flag Cruiser 5 0
Force Auxiliary 42 2
Forward Operating Base 0 0
Freighter 154 0
Frigate 1275 37
Heavy Assault Cruiser 1389 21
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser 110 0
Industrial 64 7
Industrial Command Ship 25 0
Infrastructure Modules 77 0
Interceptor 924 45
Interdictor 681 12
Jump Freighter 25 0
Logistics Cruiser 1278 6
Logistics Frigate 29 4
Ship class K L
Marauder 15 0
Mining Barge 44 2
Mobile Warp Disruptor 115 3
POS Large 256 0
POS Medium 69 0
POS Module 8390 0
POS Small 183 1
Prototype Exploration Ship 0 0
Recon Ship 293 2
Refinery 0 0
Shuttle 17 1
Strategic Cruiser 920 7
Supercarrier 26 2
Tactical Destroyer 349 24
Territory Modules 339 0
Titan 14 0
Transport 23 0
26214 Ships killed (9588.62B ISK)
662 Ships lost (202.54B ISK)
97.93% Efficiency (ISK)
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Command Ship
RAZOR Alliance
A1-AUH (0.0)
I: 184 C: 0
Command Ship
RAZOR Alliance
4X0-8B (0.0)
I: 96 C: 0
Command Ship
Akidagi (0.4)
I: 26 C: 0
Command Ship
Northern Coalition.
PF-QHK (0.0)
I: 184 C: 0
Command Ship
46DP-O (0.0)
I: 173 C: 0
Command Ship
Dragon Empire.
Konora (0.4)
I: 26 C: 0
Command Ship
RAZOR Alliance
K-B2D3 (0.0)
I: 131 C: 0
Command Ship
The Explicit Alliance
MTO2-2 (0.0)
I: 95 C: 0
Command Ship
Villasen (0.1)
I: 97 C: 0
Command Ship
Villasen (0.1)
I: 92 C: 0
10 Most recent losses
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Command Ship
The Bastion
9UY4-H (0.0)
I: 75 C: 0
Command Ship
The Bastion
JU-OWQ (0.0)
I: 39 C: 0
Prime theme by Vecati