Alliance Details - Test Alliance Please Ignore [TEST]
Kills: 44587 Executor: Upvote
Losses: 17154 Members: 3602
ISK destroyed: 17271.92B Start Date: 2010-05-12 21:05:00
ISK lost: 1463.01B Number of Corps: 46
Efficiency: 92.19%
Ship class K L
Assault Frigate 924 302
Battlecruiser 6848 1656
Battleship 4520 1006
Black Ops 4 7
Cap. Industrial 90 5
Capsule 4773 3810
Carrier 560 74
Citadel 89 2
Command Destroyer 129 4
Command Ship 367 45
Covert Ops 1525 772
Cruiser 2324 1767
Custom Office 13 8
Deployable Structure 83 43
Destroyer 531 1626
Dreadnought 501 25
Drone 11 0
Electronic Attack Ship 68 18
Ship class K L
Engineering Complex 80 0
Exhumer 22 13
Fighter 2620 41
Flag Cruiser 32 0
Force Auxiliary 174 1
Forward Operating Base 0 0
Freighter 79 1
Frigate 1397 1612
Heavy Assault Cruiser 2530 286
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser 393 61
Industrial 118 71
Industrial Command Ship 14 3
Infrastructure Modules 192 151
Interceptor 1260 339
Interdictor 1276 264
Jump Freighter 20 0
Logistics Cruiser 2196 178
Logistics Frigate 48 4
Ship class K L
Marauder 15 4
Mining Barge 54 11
Mobile Warp Disruptor 281 6
POS Large 344 71
POS Medium 26 17
POS Module 4630 1495
POS Small 35 50
Prototype Exploration Ship 0 0
Recon Ship 959 102
Refinery 10 0
Shuttle 64 88
Strategic Cruiser 1187 120
Supercarrier 91 1
Tactical Destroyer 241 47
Territory Modules 500 373
Titan 33 1
Transport 34 36
44587 Ships killed (17271.92B ISK)
17154 Ships lost (1463.01B ISK)
92.19% Efficiency (ISK)
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Industrial Command Ship
Bright Side of Death
I-1B7X (0.0)
I: 43 C: 0
Industrial Command Ship
YQTK-R (0.0)
I: 26 C: 0
Industrial Command Ship
Hard Knocks Associates
58Z-IH (0.0)
I: 23 C: 0
Industrial Command Ship
Muderous Mindset
GZM-KB (0.0)
I: 94 C: 0
Industrial Command Ship
Goonswarm Federation
Y-2ANO (0.0)
I: 108 C: 0
Industrial Command Ship
Pandemic Horde
Q-TBHW (0.0)
I: 22 C: 0
Industrial Command Ship
Pandemic Horde
39-DGG (0.0)
I: 35 C: 0
Industrial Command Ship
Free Galactic Enterprises Alliance
Saatuban (0.5)
I: 18 C: 0
Industrial Command Ship
Hard Knocks Associates
T-67F8 (0.0)
I: 93 C: 0
Industrial Command Ship
Pandemic Horde
04-LQM (0.0)
I: 23 C: 0
10 Most recent losses
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Industrial Command Ship
Test Alliance Please Ignore
16P-PX (0.0)
I: 86 C: 0
Industrial Command Ship
Test Alliance Please Ignore
QS-530 (0.0)
I: 50 C: 0
Industrial Command Ship
Test Alliance Please Ignore
WX-6UX (0.0)
I: 98 C: 0
Prime theme by Vecati