Alliance Details - Prothean Alliance [PROT]
Kills: 1768 Executor:
Losses: 12 Members: 0
ISK destroyed: 1948.26B Start Date: 2015-04-09 12:19:33
ISK lost: 110.07B Number of Corps: 0
Efficiency: 94.65%
Destroyed Ships
Assault Frigate
Corporation Kills
RUS-1-UKR 1. RUS-1-UKR 2
Netherstorm 2. Netherstorm 1
Mining and Industry Crew Faction 3. Mining and Industry Crew Faction 1
We Have a KRAKEN 4. We Have a KRAKEN 1
Black Ops
Corporation Kills
Cap. Industrial
Corporation Kills
RUS-1-UKR 1. RUS-1-UKR 1
Command Destroyer
Corporation Kills
RUS-1-UKR 1. RUS-1-UKR 16
Angry people of space 2. Angry people of space 3
Illegal immigrants 3. Illegal immigrants 3
Netherstorm 4. Netherstorm 1
White Miners Corporation 5. White Miners Corporation 1
Mining and Industry Crew Faction 6. Mining and Industry Crew Faction 1
Covert Ops
Corporation Kills
RUS-1-UKR 1. RUS-1-UKR 6
Angry people of space 2. Angry people of space 2
the heavenly Kingdom 3. the heavenly Kingdom 1
White Miners Corporation 4. White Miners Corporation 1
Custom Office
Corporation Kills
Deployable Structure
Corporation Kills
RUS-1-UKR 1. RUS-1-UKR 2
Netherstorm 2. Netherstorm 1
Corporation Kills
RUS-1-UKR 1. RUS-1-UKR 10
Netherstorm 2. Netherstorm 2
Angry people of space 3. Angry people of space 2
White Miners Corporation 4. White Miners Corporation 1
Illegal immigrants 5. Illegal immigrants 1
Corporation Kills
Electronic Attack Ship
Corporation Kills
RUS-1-UKR 1. RUS-1-UKR 1
White Miners Corporation 2. White Miners Corporation 1
Corporation Kills
Flag Cruiser
Corporation Kills
Force Auxiliary
Corporation Kills
RUS-1-UKR 1. RUS-1-UKR 23
Strategic Defenders Brigade 2. Strategic Defenders Brigade 4
the heavenly Kingdom 3. the heavenly Kingdom 3
Invasion Tactics And Technogies 4. Invasion Tactics And Technogies 2
Naemka 5. Naemka 2
Netherstorm 6. Netherstorm 1
Steel Wings 7. Steel Wings 1
Fehl Prime 8. Fehl Prime 1
Forward Operating Base
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Corporation Kills
RUS-1-UKR 1. RUS-1-UKR 6
Invasion Tactics And Technogies 2. Invasion Tactics And Technogies 1
the heavenly Kingdom 3. the heavenly Kingdom 1
Angry people of space 4. Angry people of space 1
Corporation Kills
RUS-1-UKR 1. RUS-1-UKR 2
Angry people of space 2. Angry people of space 1
Woodpeckers From Space 3. Woodpeckers From Space 1
Industrial Command Ship
Corporation Kills
Infrastructure Modules
Corporation Kills
Jump Freighter
Corporation Kills
Logistics Frigate
Corporation Kills
White Miners Corporation 1. White Miners Corporation 2
RUS-1-UKR 2. RUS-1-UKR 1
Netherstorm 3. Netherstorm 1
Illegal immigrants 4. Illegal immigrants 1
Corporation Kills
Mining Barge
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
The Cobrastan Cult 1. The Cobrastan Cult 1
POS Large
Corporation Kills
Netherstorm 1. Netherstorm 1
Invasion Tactics And Technogies 2. Invasion Tactics And Technogies 1
POS Medium
Corporation Kills
Prototype Exploration Ship
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
RUS-1-UKR 1. RUS-1-UKR 1
Netherstorm 2. Netherstorm 1
the heavenly Kingdom 3. the heavenly Kingdom 1
Mining and Industry Crew Faction 4. Mining and Industry Crew Faction 1
We Have a KRAKEN 5. We Have a KRAKEN 1
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
RUS-1-UKR 1. RUS-1-UKR 5
Netherstorm 2. Netherstorm 1
Invasion Tactics And Technogies 3. Invasion Tactics And Technogies 1
the heavenly Kingdom 4. the heavenly Kingdom 1
Angry people of space 5. Angry people of space 1
Tactical Destroyer
Corporation Kills
White Miners Corporation 1. White Miners Corporation 8
RUS-1-UKR 2. RUS-1-UKR 5
Angry people of space 3. Angry people of space 2
Illegal immigrants 4. Illegal immigrants 2
United Academy 5. United Academy 1
Netherstorm 6. Netherstorm 1
Invasion Tactics And Technogies 7. Invasion Tactics And Technogies 1
Z I O N 8. Z I O N 1
Territory Modules
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
RUS-1-UKR 1. RUS-1-UKR 2
Illegal immigrants 2. Illegal immigrants 1
Corporation Kills
RUS-1-UKR 1. RUS-1-UKR 2
Mining and Industry Crew Faction 2. Mining and Industry Crew Faction 1
Illegal immigrants 3. Illegal immigrants 1
Prime theme by Vecati